At PABC we don't just talk about deconstructing systems of power - we do it. In a decolonial church we embody collectivity, including those with the title of clergy. We are a team of pastors in a circle leadership model. In this non-hierarchical model, our pastors share leadership and preaching responsibilities. We all share the title "co-pastor" and use consensus driven decision-making.

Henra Chennault,
Henra’s love for people and helping them connect to the work of the community of Park Avenue makes him a natural a building community partnerships. Henra is also the contact and liaison to our community partners such as Wilderness Works, the Stewart Center, Nicholas House and others. Henra's giftedness with finance positions him well to aid the team with management of the facilities through the Building Committee. Henra is bi-vocational working in banking as well. He holds a Masters of Christian Ministry from McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University. Henra is an incredible chef, both for his family at home and church.He is a former college football player and boxer. He's someone you want on your team!
You can reach Henra at henra@parkavebaptist.com.

Darci Jaret,
Darci's call to ministry is characterized by open theological seeking through, creative expression, poetry, visual art and centering prayer. Darci brings their artistic gifts and creativity to our worship and faith development programs, as well as liturgy-building and online branding. Darci has started programs like Created 2 Create, art ministry pastoral internship. Darci received a Louisville Pastoral Study Project grant to work with people in recovery through spiritual art making. Darci holds a Masters of Divinity from Candler School of Theology. They are bi-vocational and journey with people impacted in the criminal legal system and experiencing homelessness. Darci's passions include painting, found-objects art, legos with their son and all forms of ideation. Their family has chickens and gardens and a lovely junky yard.
You can reach Darci at darci@parkavebaptist.com.

Rev. Keyanna Jones
Rev. Keyanna Jones is a Political and Social Justice Activist and Community Organizer, who is a staunch advocate for quality, affordable childcare and equity in education. She continually works to educate, engage and empower the Black Community in Atlanta, Georgia. She has been serving and engaged with Park Avenue Baptist Church since the Faith Coalition to Stop Cop City was organized. Rev. Keyanna is an abolitionist in the tradition of Jesus. She has advocated to the highest levels of power, speaking recently at the United Nations in Geneva about the violence of policing in the United States. She is an ordained minister and proprietor of E Equals MC Squared Educational Services, LLC, where she works as a Homeschool Curriculum Consultant, IEP Advocate and German Translator. Keyanna is the wife of Jerrod R. Moore and mother to their 5 unique and extraordinary children.
Reach Keyanna at: keyanna@parkavebaptist.com

Our Team

Rev. Matthew Johnson,
Activist Chaplain in Residence
Matthew’s call to ministry has always been intertwined with a calling to organize and advocate for the dispossessed. Following his studies at Morehouse College, Matthew created economic development reports in the Global South, informing an international perspective and power analysis. Matthew received a Master of Divinity from the University of Chicago in 2019, and returned to Atlanta, GA. Over the past five years, Matthew has served the activist and organizer community through pastoral care and logistical support to several mutual aid collectives, initiatives and movements. He serves as the Executive Director of Beloved Community Ministries (@belovedcommune) to create sustainable and resilient forms of resistance and new worldmaking with community partners in the Atlanta Area.

Rev. Leo Seyij Allen
Activist Pastor In Residence
Rev. Leo Seyij Allen (they/them or he/him) is a Baptist minister working at the intersection of faith and justice. Their passion for mobilizing faith communities toward advocacy and action inspires their ministry in and beyond the pulpit. Prior to joining Faith in Public Life, they served as a congregational minister for two Atlanta-based churches. They also worked with organizers across the southeast to lead campaigns on issues including racial equity, immigrant detention and LGBTQ+ justice. Leo Seyij serves on the boards of Transmission Ministry Collective and We Remember Nashville. They are a graduate of Howard University and a graduate student at Columbia Theological Seminary. As a native southerner, Leo Seyij enjoys connecting with people from all walks of life over soul food and sweet tea. In their spare time, they love bingeing political commentary videos on YouTube.

Aaron Lamont,
Worship Leader
Aaron is a faithful worship leader and follower of Christ. Aaron went to the Cobb County Center for Excellence in the Performing Arts at Pebblebrook High School Aaron has appreared on BET's "Reed Between the Lines" and AGI's "Face the Music" Webseries. Once back in Atlanta, Aaron opened a studio with some friends and began to build his catalog. A versatile singer/songwriter/engineer and producer, he has written songs in every genre. His strong lyrics and smooth vocals have captured the attention of several Sony A&R Execs and ClassHeat Records DJ Class.

Our Deacons