Here are some resources recommended by PABC preachers about the topics of their sermons
"I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness," by Austin Channing Brown
"You Were Born with Wings," Rumi
"The Boundless God," by Adrienne von Speyr
"Galatians and Colossians: Beyond Supersessionism"
"Love Does That"- Meister Eckhart
"Peacemaking: An Evangelical Possibility", Walter Brueggemann
"The Poem: Subversion and Summons, Isaiah 11:1-9", Walter Brueggemann
"Remembering God's Promises: Hope", Douglas W. Oldenburg
"How the Light Comes", Jan Richardson
“I am silent...and expectant” by: Ted Lodder
Joy Harjo - "Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings"
Kaitlin Curtice - "Glory Happening"
"God is Red" - Vine Deloria Jr.
"Native American Testimony" - Peter Nabokov
"Voices from the Ancestors" - Eds. Lara Medina & Martha Gonzales
"The Coming" - Dr. Daniel Black
Booker T. Washington Biography
"The Pursuing Father" - Kenneth E. Bailey
John Domonic Crossan's - “The Dark Interval: Toward a Theology of Story”
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie "The Danger of the Single Story" Ted Talk
"Parables as Subversive Speech: Jesus as Padagogue of the Oppressed" - William R. Herzog II
Podcast “On Being” with Krista Tippett - Esther Perel interview
Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics- Margaret Farley
Shameless - Nadia Bolz Weber
Damaged Goods: New Perspectives on Christian Purity, by Dianna Anderson
Prophetic Imagination - by - Walter Brueggemann
Interactive Worship:
Imagination ​
Writing a letter to Inner Child
Finger Labryrinth
Sand Meditation
Self Affirmations